Saturday, April 5, 2008

Happy Uterus

In June, I guess Lissa, Carrie, Tracie and I are going to be in some local art fair. I hope when the park says, "Art...", they mean crafts, because that’s what we’re doing. I guess I can submit some small postcard size pastel drawings to keep us from being boo’d out of there by real artists. Besides, these ladies tend to amaze me with everything they make, so people really should be high-fiving us for bringing something new and refreshing to their little artfest. And leave it to me to bring all the uteri I’ve been making. So far, I have a zombie, construction worker, nurse, and a ninja uterus and, of course, the original uterus that started it all and got me in a magazine: Happy Uterus. It’s crocheted (amigurumi) for those of you furrowing your brows and backing away from your computer right now. They’re quite cute and when you see them, you’ll want one, trust me.

Carrie and I went on a glass fusing and slumping binge for a couple of weeks. We followed up on our carcenogic escapades by attending the Topeka Symphony (which I think I liked more than she did). And then I went out and bought another box of bandaids because I tend to cut myself more than anyone else when gripping my glass.

I swear, one of these days I'm going to post some kind of visual image to help us all along...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In June...we are? I'm always the last to know!